Monday, January 26, 2009

Great site

I am a book lover! What's the fancy word for that, bibliophile? Anyhoo, that is me! And I don't have near enough time to read everything I want, if I plan to get any sleep, so there are stacks of books near my To Be Read pile. I love the library, but I invariably get a book, then don't get a chance to start it, or finish it, before it is due. Or I forget to take it back in time and rack up late fees. Which brings me to one of my favorite websites, and I wanted to make sure you know about it!

Paperbackswap is a great way to get those books I am dying to read, and not spend loads of money. All I have to do is list books I am willing to part with, then I look for books I want. I build up credits when people want my books, and I can then use those credits to get books for myself (or my boys!). All I have to pay is the postage it costs to mail the books I have listed to people who have requested them. I love it! According to Paperbackswap's tally, I have saved $167 on books!

So if you love to read like I do, are short on reading time, don't want to spend tons of money, and have some books you are willing to part with, then check out Paperbackswap. You will love it!

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